
Agriculteurs WASHINGTON (Reporter Liu Tao), un près de la Pentecôte ne ordinaires de l'enseignement moyen secondaire, mais sur le site de rencontres se emballé dans un diplômé de l'université, en promettant de jeunes cadres dirigeants, avec de faux papiers face à la requérante Mme tricher arrangements de couleur fonctionnent sur la base de la fraude non apparié Youyi victime 350 000 yuans d'argent.

En Janvier, Mme Zhang Jian Tong est venu au poste de police, a déclaré qu'ils avaient été trompés 350.000 yuans,http://fengliangge.com/news/html/?87396.html, et maintenant ne peuvent pas trouver le menteur. Enquêteurs de la police détaillées demandé ce fait même divorcé d'ici la fin de 2011, quand un homme prétendant connaître le site de rencontres fonctionnaire toute surnommé, les échanges bilatéraux pour un certain temps,, Mme Zhang a estimé dans son ensemble et ne convient pas de sa propre et divisé mains, mais ils n'ont pas coupé le contact, être amis ordinaires.

Jour de mai 2012, Mme Zhang accidentellement toute l'entreprise d'une personne visée à lui-même très difficile de trouver un emploi plus stable, tout d'un droit à un service de la direction provinciale, le leadership et de nombreux ministères familier, le fait même que vous pouvez organiser le travail d'une institution provinciale, il a également promis que, grâce à son opération, le fait que même n'ont pas à participer au recrutement examen.

Après cela, le fait même considéré comme un des dîners complets, etc à la succession de la direction pour aller acheter des choses au nom de 35 millions, mais l'ensemble du travail ne s'est pas encore un régime de l'engagement, exhortant chaque ensemble, il a toujours dit les choses en cours d'exécution, de sorte que le fait que des patients,http://www.gullemo.net/joyful/joyful.cgi, ne vous inquiétez pas.

En Janvier, un ensemble de choses encore du travail a été shirk, coeur de doute sur le fait que l'unité de travail à un régulier à plein-instituée pour s'enquérir de la situation, j'ai demandé à savoir,nike air max boutique, que l'unité n'est tout simplement pas la totalité d'une personne , puis vint à réaliser que le fait d'être trompé et se précipita vers la station de police du district a signalé l'affaire.

Après une enquête de la police, la situation se reflète dans le fait que c'est vrai, mais tout jouait un "disparus",http://www.wildplants.sakura.ne.jp/joyful/joyful.cgi, conformément à la loi, tout d'un exercice en ligne de l'unité de traitement. Après le 15 Février, les enquêteurs ont appris grâce au travail des activités de l'unité dans l'ensemble d'un indice, la police a immédiatement envoyé un squat à Shijiazhuang rue de sport café cinq heures tout l'avenir de ce consommateur particulier capturés.

Après l'interrogatoire,http://www.kazenoko-club.com/bbs/kazenoko-bbs.cgi, le suspect d'un plein afin de pouvoir aider à trouver un emploi en raison de la fraude Mme Zhang a avoué le crime.

Selon un compte rendu de l'ensemble, il a une femme et des enfants, il n'y a pas d'emploi formel,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/photos/jump.cgi, mais sur le site de rencontres se emballé dans un diplômé de l'université, une prometteurs jeunes célibataires cadres dirigeants, avec des documents d'identité falsifiés et les candidats Mme affaire, mais parce que tout d'une jambe Ministère de handicap, le fait même qu'il n'y a pas victime de ses échanges en profondeur.

Mais le fait même que tout d'un conditions économiques de découverte sont très bons, et un homme avec des enfants après un divorce très difficile, à la recherche stable psychologiquement intense, donc il est un grand leader pour se vanter de combien leurs relations sociales,http://www.bgwbd.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1525409, peuvent aider les victimes dans le système le travail, afin de frauder les victimes de l'argent, les produits de la fraude s'élevant à 35 millions de yuans, la partie entière de faire des folies, dont une partie sert à faire des affaires avec un partenaire. Afin d'empêcher les victimes futur problème, tout d'un contact avec la victime au début, à forger une fausse identité, son nom, le pays d'origine,http://www.ogallerie.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi, tous les changements effectués, mais a finalement été arrêté.

Actuellement, tout d'un suspect soupçonné de fraude a été en détention criminelle conformément à la loi, l'affaire est sous enquête plus approfondie.

(Titre original: agriculteur Pianse pas poser le leadership et la fraude)


Young girls suffering from ill health, such as money

Fundraising group founded with the villagers running for help

WASHINGTON (Reporter correspondent Luo Tao fire should be) "Help, help LiXiZhen it! Which ya too poor." Yesterday,http://cgi.zms.or.jp/~mshiba/custombbs.cgi/xHQJiCzuAg/, Lee Street, Xinzhou District,air max, three stores Kawamura villagers who came to Mr Lee and his party two Xinzhou Zhu City Street, the village took the list of persons working in Zhu Shing, one by one to them for help,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/routes/jump.cgi, asking them to donate the same village seriously ill 19-year-old girl LiXiZhen.

Three village party secretary Liu Aiguo Li Street shop introduced LiXiZhen 3 years old are Villagers Liji Xiong and his wife, due to family poverty, after graduating from middle school, drop out of school LiXiZhen south to work alone. In 2007, she was diagnosed cerebellar long a small tumor, money and hard work she saved the family and friends of Couchu $ 30,000 to make her successful surgery done. I did not expect, in 2008 LiXiZhen also uncovers the brain a tumor grows, the villagers know that after a positive contribution to the name of the little girl, spent a total of 40,000 yuan finished second surgery.

Last month,http://www.matsue-yado.com/otoku/clip.cgi, LiXiZhen and found a hospital in Wuhan,http://www.kleo.ru/cgi-bin/club/messagelist.cgi, the brain grows three lump. Just when family poverty is the high cost of treatment do nothing,http://www.kh.rim.or.jp/~goburin/cgi-bin/custombbs.cgi/, Lee Kawamura committee about the incident, village cadres and the masses quickly convened meeting,, at which there are six villagers volunteered to lay down the home farm, consisting of six fundraising teams, divided 3-way places to go outside the village staff for help.

Yesterday, Mr Lee describes fundraising group of villagers, the village more than 20 staff in the new Island Zhu Shing work have donated, has been raised to 9,300 yuan love money. And are expected to work outside the home village of the villagers should be able to raise about 2 million,http://suzudon.sakura.ne.jp/cooking/bbs/cooking.cgi, but the first phase of 40,http://www.koreayj.66rt.com/viewthread.php?tid=248491&extra=,000 yuan from LiXiZhen worse half of hospital charges.

If you are interested in helping LiXiZhen can also contact the newspaper news hotline.


8 de ce mois, le journal avait rapporté que Shenzhen Polytechnic "garder l'homme de carte" anti-cheveux tordu cas financière triché. Rapports Après publiés, la trésorerie de carte de crédit redeviennent un sujet de débat chaud, partie de l'être l'utilisation frauduleuse de cartes de crédit des personnes s'appliquent encore pour un appel téléphonique au journal ", déplore" aspirent à résoudre le "quilt" approche.

Hier, le Shenzhen A plus de soixante ans pour trouver le journaliste, raconte l'histoire de leur famille par la crise de carte de crédit" causé la tragédie, pour que les journalistes choqués: leur fille aînée, la famille de l'usurpation d'identité, les amis,http://www.tztea.com.cn/news/html/?17160.html, les collègues ont traité plus de 70 cartes bancaires (y compris les cartes de crédit), plus d'une centaine de milliers de dollars découvert.

En outre, la famille soupçonné profondément dans sa carrière de garder la carte homme" piège, avant la pose effectivement plus de 1,3 milliards des reconnaissances de dette "prix élevé" à d'autres. Aujourd'hui, la famille tous les jours sous le harcèlement des créanciers, l'intimidation par le biais, avait une famille heureuse et aisée a été brisée ......

Texte / Photo: Reporter Ruan Xiaoguang

Début du cauchemar vend maintenant saisis

"Notre famille aurait été considéré comme une famille aisée,http://x-dyw.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=36879, l'harmonie de la famille,http://edingyuan.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=719163, mais il est tout à la fin de 2005, quand il est complètement changé."

Le vieil homme a déclaré aux journalistes qu'il surnommé Wu, 60 ans, travaillant à Shenzhen, une société d'ingénierie, le genou avait trois filles. "Notre famille aurait été considéré comme une famille aisée, l'harmonie de la famille, mais il est tout à la fin de 2005, quand il est complètement changé."

Wu a dit que lorsque sa fille était tout à coup un petit groupe d'une dette, un chèque seulement pour trouver sa fille devait 200 millions de la dette. Selon l'interprétation d'un petit groupe, elle a emprunté un camarade de classe de prêter à la spéculation immobilière, s'attendre à être récompensé, mais ne s'attendait pas à pied après que les étudiants obtiennent l'argent.

Afin de rembourser ces dettes,http://tjcutao.com/discuzx31gbk/home.php?mod=space&uid=1490&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=48554, Wu a vendu la famille de trois suites, mais pas encore assez pour payer la dette, devait plus de 70 millions de l'extérieur. "Nous avons l'intention de payer toutes les dettes dans les cinq ans, vivre frugalement, la famille de sept personnes ont été coincés dans un ensemble de seulement 70 mètres carrés de la maison, à 2006, lorsque la dette a été essentiellement payé."

Factures énormes dans l'abîme

Lorsque la vérification de la fille aînée, ne peut pas aider mais choqué, elle a écrit sur des reconnaissances de dette à plus de 1,3 milliards

Wu avait d'abord pensé que les choses en sont venus à une fin, mais un téléphone étrange,http://e-learning.tsu.ge/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, le 10 Mars de cette année, une chute dans un cauchemar laisser encore une fois Wu abîme.

"Un homme qui prétend être surnommé Feng a dit que j'étais la fille aînée de la dette lui devait 4 millions de dollars et a menacé de ne pas rembourser l'argent, alors va détruire ma famille." Wu a dit que quand il a vérifié la fille aînée, on ne peut pas s'empêcher de peur saut, elle a écrit sur des reconnaissances de dette à plus de 1300 yuans. Ma fille ne voulait pas nous dire la raison pour laquelle elle a emprunté ces grosses sommes d'argent."

Pas seulement des reconnaissances de dette dans les prochains jours,http://tz8023audio.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=276027, Wu a reçu plus de téléphone d'un ami, et appeler la carte de crédit était la carte d'identité frauduleuse de sa fille,air max one toute noir, et avancer de grosses sommes d'argent , son collègue Chen Dites-moi à découvert par un petit groupe de plus de 20.000 yuans, un autre collègue dépliants m'a également télégraphié ses quatre cartes sans le savoir ont été découvert plus de 40 000 yuans. "

Un prêt hypothécaire sans dire aux parents

De son sac et trouvé une grande liasse de cartes bancaires,http://www.grinpa.com/cgi-bin/omoide/light.cgi, environ 70 feuilles.

Après vérification, chaque carte de crédit sont à découvert

Wu toute une compression de suite dans une cour, en fonction de son introduction, c'est le couple a acheté l'hypothèque en 2003, le propriétaire est la deuxième fille et ses trois filles. Cependant, jusqu'à cette année, Wu a reçu un avis de payer la créance hypothécaire de savoir que en Juillet 2007, la fille aînée de deux filles à la banque, et trois filles posant l'identité, les prêts immobiliers hypothécaires 600 000 yuans.

Wu a dit que la fille aînée de la famille a également développé pour enfin voler, voler au point où même la maison ancestrale de bijoux en or et d'argent ont été vendus à elle. Wu le 17 Mars de cette année, avec la fille aînée à un petit groupe s'est rendu à la station de police, district de Luohu, le bambou, et la police sera suivie par un petit groupe en garde à vue sur des soupçons de vol au centre de détention du district de Luohu.

Les trois filles de Wu, a déclaré aux journalistes, après avoir trouvé une liasse de cartes bancaires dans le sac de sa sur, environ 70 feuilles.

Après vérification, la carte de crédit trouvée dans chaque ont été découvert. "Et à l'opposé de chaque carte de crédit sont fixées à un morceau de papier et écrire le remboursement final de durée limitée, de sorte que nous soupçonner qu'elle a utilisé une trésorerie de carte de crédit, et avec Jauge les gens de cartes de soutien connexes.

Fréquence intimidation partout pour cacher la dette

Les créanciers sont victimes d'intimidation quotidienne,http://fot.travnik.fotosavez.com/coppermine/displayimage.php?pid=4738, sa femme le faire tous les jours pleurer

Laissez Wu est incroyable, c'est qu'elle a même accepté de céder sa fille, elle a également refusé de dire en tout cas prendre autant d'argent réellement passé, dans quel but, "elle jusqu'à maintenant afin de garder un secret, faire ce que les difficultés? "

Wu a dit que dans le but de cacher la dette, et maintenant ils sont un peuple sans domicile fixe, sa femme et ses deux filles pour aller à Guangzhou pour éviter l'endettement, tout le travail est arrêté; fils aussi est allé à la maison de mes grands-parents à Heyuan, incapables d'aller à l'école. Chaque jour, je rencontre sont créanciers d'intimidation, sa femme pleure tous les jours cette fin, nous avons cessé de sauter deux fois, maintenant seulement espérer la police à résoudre l'affaire dès que possible."

Reporters appris que la police enquête actuellement sur l'affaire.


BEIJING,http://www.seee.com.cn/bbs/showtopic-866273.aspx, May 15 Guilin Electric (Liu Chuanyong recognize Xu Jie) Lipu County, Guilin, Guangxi,http://www.yurongbencaoshuang-315.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=398330, a man can not marry his wife, parents feel resentment, saying that their own parents nearly sixty years of brutal murder.

According to Lipu County police May 15 briefing, at 2:50 on May 11, Lipu County, Ma Zhen Maling police station received a report said the government duty: In Da Ma Zhen government hospital with a head and body with the blood of men acting suspiciously, suspected to be a thief.

After receiving the report, police immediately drove to the town government. 2:56, police rushed to the scene saw a young man body is blood, that person immediately and inventory control, who found a spot in the suspects to a small card knife,http://www.guixiu.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=22108, an identity card. When the police questioned him and found his spirit a little trance,http://www.9158tiaowuba.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=73863, talking incoherently.

Police suspect identity information by query and determine its residence is located in Lipu County New Street, 43, and his parents' names, the police escorted the suspect then rushed to his residence.

When the suspect arrived home late at night, but saw the suspect house lights,hogan 2014, doors and windows locked, Li Jun, director of the neighbors and then borrowed a ladder, look to the house through the transom door,http://www.clownantics.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, saw a man lying in a pool of blood, immediately Arrangements police stormed into the room.

Entering the house, police saw a man and woman on the second floor of the room on the first floor patio at the assassination of several knives who were already dead.

Under questioning,http://www.railroadpix.com/cgi-bin/photos/search.cgi, the suspect Liu Mouming for killing his parents confessed to the crime. Originally, Liu Mouming more introverted, addicted to the Internet,http://test1.023up.com:8888/lsmx/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2737168&extra=, usually reticent, grumpy, and parents often have trouble. He had liked a woman,http://e-learning.tsu.ge/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, but the woman does not like him, after the woman left him, his parents, resentment, and has been blamed his parents did not give him wives.

At present, the suspect Liu Mouming police have been under criminal detention, the case is under further investigation. (End)


WASHINGTON day before yesterday around 9:00 in the Nanjing marshals detachment value multiplied by the K528 train from Guangzhou to Nanjing West, marshals seized a drug trafficking suspects Dengmou, and seized three packets of heroin and a bag of cheap drugs bottom powder. However Dengmou marshals also claimed to honest business, selling all "high quality" drugs, boldly to ensure no "low-end goods."

January 17 9:00 pm, after the K528 train from Guangzhou station opened, as usual inspection train marshals in the compartment. When the investigation to the 15th seat cars, marshals found a middle-aged man with drug convictions. The man and his face is very bad mental state apathetic, marshals still suspected drug use, then its detailed inventory check revealed that the man was in possession of the right foot socks massive three packets of white substance left sock found a packet white powder.

By asking the marshals that this person surnamed Deng, 37 years old, Hunan, had history of drug use and was treated. It is understood that Dengmou working outside year round,tiffany outlet, but nothing since drug addiction three years ago,http://www.xhyqd-seafood.com/news/html/?44149.html, workers earn their drug money has been squandered clean. With the rise in prices in recent years, was found on Dengmou desperately he earned money can be used for drug and basic overhead, and now has clearly not enough. So Dengmou Friends of agitation in the poison began to take risks, drug trafficking,http://www.banghushi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=259, trafficking in order to raise suck. The beginning of times, Dengmou very careful to 400 yuan per gram price to buy heroin, to increase the sale offsite. But several trafficking down Dengmou find yourself removing tolls and other expenses, earn a lot less money than peers. Later Dengmou one asked,http://www.0532china.com/service/feedback_look.php?id=6314, I realized that peers are expensive to buy heroin and cheap to buy the "bottom powder" (a low-quality low-priced drugs) blending with trafficking,http://www.projectnola.com/index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=350221, so that profits can be doubled growth. Dengmou to earn a fortune in the past year, decided to try again.

January 10, 2012, in the hands of Guangzhou Dengmou someone bought 15 grams of heroin and 5 grams of powder at the end, in the 17th ready to take the K528 train Chenzhou, Hunan trafficking. Think smart Dengmou the drugs into four parts, namely, hiding in his sock, thinking that it can successfully escaped examination,http://www.xszhb.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=26481, still could not escape the marshals did not realize that the "eyes." After being marshals seized,http://www.kddry.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=44263, but not afraid of the law Dengmou adulterated drug trafficking will increase their crimes, a talk marshals explained that 20 grams are all high quality and high-purity heroin,http://www.lemuria.info/continent/User:Lpamax94595#6N6N6IeDlR, own business conscience,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, honesty, absolutely genuine let marshals dumbfounding. The case is under further investigation.

(Qu Feifei Yanqing Qing Wu Sheng)


Ganzhou District Traffic Lane community residents Qin Lirong 73 years with their own interpretation of a human truth actions

A 73-year-old senior citizens, learned two years ago after 64 years of paralysis unattended elderly neighbor, take the initiative to assume the task of caring for neighbors. Under the care of his neighbors have been able to get out of bed alone simple activities. Seven nonagenarian with their own practical action interpretation of some human truth.

Sixty elderly paralyzed in bed

One day in November 2007, and lives in Ganzhou District Street traffic lane on the second floor of an old residential building old man fell down from the bed, unable to move, wife hurried to the door shouting to help, will carried to bed . and wife and the help of community workers under the taken to hospital for treatment. After more than three months of hospital treatment, Zhangxue Jian although out of danger, but hemiplegia paralyzed in bed.

Discharged home after Zhangxue Jian, Qin Lirong have learned Zhangxue Jian and his wife divorced. Face paralyzed in bed elderly, Qin Lirong relented,http://bbs.8out.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=315942, he decided to taken care Zhangxue Jian.

Seventy elderly care initiative

When on July 7 in the morning, the reporter went to interview home, the old man told reporters after he arrived three years ago from Horseshoe Township Sunan County of Ganzhou husbandry point, the first to recognize the door , Zhang old man good man, They often drink and chat together,http://www.jraf.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4484,scarpe hogan outlet, the two quickly became friends.

After Zhangxue Jian paralyzed, and he and his wife divorced, will take the initiative to assume the obligation to care for Zhang old man, and every day at noon, afternoon, two meals on time and do a good job,http://www.regauer.org/forum/thread.php?threadid=1420493&sid=, good dinner bowl flew to his side in the past,http://www.vozesdaeducacao.org.br/bbpress/profile.php?id=413838, and he The phone has been close at hand does not shut down, Zhangxue Jian have things, as long as the wave of the nightstand phone, Qin Lirong will promptly rush past care. Fortunately, over the summer, this old residential buildings in winter due to the no heating stove heating needs students, Qin Lirong first thing is to get up early every day to go to Zhangxue Jian fire, always responsible for the day Tim coal stove at night is responsible for the seal, but not let the fire go out , and have to pay attention to ventilate the room to prevent Zhangxue Jian soot poisoning.

Qin Lirong told reporters after the annual winter and summer, he had to take a holiday granddaughter granddaughter back Sunan before each home he is most worried about is Zhangxue Jian how to do? July 14 this year, he will be back in the 45 days he left, Zhangxue Jian became his biggest worry. Qin Lirong told reporters that he is also a resident of the same building Sunan people Come on over and over again that he is not a person in this Jishitian help to buy bread sent a dollar a day, while downstairs to piggyback to mention water also put on a pot,http://www.lzwxj.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=32729, and with a good house door key handed the household. Qin Lirong told reporters after the holidays,http://www.tpjyzx.net/forum/showtopic-7170021.aspx, such as full-granddaughter, he continues to come back to take care of Zhangxue Jian.

Paralyzed elderly can get out of bed

Subsequently,http://bbs.zayoo.cn:8087/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3109250, Qin Lirong the door open with reporters to enter, the reporter saw has been able to get out of bed alone.

Zhangxue Jian told reporters that he used to work in urban construction and development company, no children. After himself paralyzed,http://forum.printaja.com/yaf_postst388387_Q1z927YjjW.aspx, can not get out of bed, speak clearly. Thanks Qin Lirong care, he now has been able to own a bed leaning on the bed simple activity, and the language that is clear, "If Qin Lirong care, maybe I had not died of." Zhangxue Jian also told reporters, as he this kinds of diseases, even pay a babysitter, they will not necessarily do, but do not hold anything against Qin Lirong, excluding any compensation, obligation to care for him for two years, his life could not repay.

Traffic Lane Community Zhang Xiaolan, director also told reporters after Zhangxue Jian paralyzed condition is very serious, I did not expect two years after Qin Lirong taken care of the elderly can ambulation, and speak clearly. Currently, the community can do is to subsistence, heating subsidies, aid and some other serious illness policy of benefiting under the conditions allowed, according to the highest standards to give Zhangxue Jian.


Reporter Zhang Liping Wang Jue photography

Chongqing University area there is a large door A Dirty noodle, Dirty noodle in a young waiter, everyone calls her little summer. Little Summer is always enthusiastically for every guest pour hot tea, hot surfaces end, the guests go Shihai said, smiling a "walking." Small summer like ponytail wearing blue jacket, wearing a red cap, deft work, a la carte loud voice. Watching the waiter so warm so capable, no one will think of estimates, in fact, a small summer PhD.

Dr. noodles to your side, what feeling?

Yesterday afternoon, we came to this Dirty noodle, saw the highly educated staff, she was surrounded by a large apron, being close chopsticks, left Duanwan,http://www.hawaii.ne.jp/bigisland/cgi-bin/yybbs/yybbs.cgi, deft hand with a rag to wipe a few bones to the bowl, see We came to, he pulled on her apron to wipe a few times,http://www.newing.ne.jp/cgi-bin/tkbbs1/tkbbs1.pl?PAGE_NUM=1, asked:. "want something to eat."

We say that the first time, there is nothing to recommend. Her familiar: "We shop Dirty Vermicelli noodle and beef are good, you do not try it?"

We ordered Dirty noodle, a few minutes later, a small summer will end up with Dirty noodle, noodle After end, followed went dumplings, dumplings are wrapped neatly placed plate.

When we explained what he wanted, a small summer a little surprised, chatted up with us soon. Fan eat noodles in the side to hear our conversation after looking at the small summer surprised and asked: "Are you Dr. ah?" When an affirmative answer, Mr. Fan is a look of confusion, "Today is the end of my PhD noodles ah too proud, and you come here to work a PhD how ah? "

In fact, she is doing research vehicle performance

Originally, a small summer is Dr. Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, 26 years old. Seven years ago, she was admitted from Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province,http://blog.elitemate.com/new_blog/no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=780,height=550, Chongqing University; graduate of the occasion, and won the Academy Shuoboliandu of eligibility. Although small summer would come to work every day Dirty noodle, but her main task is to do research for motor vehicles, the most recent project was doing research vehicle chassis performance.

"I will be six days a week in the lab doing research on vehicle performance, safety and other aspects." Small summer said, "when you want to test,http://www.corelearningunit.nhs.uk/item/create_form/1, also under the 'shop', the theory used in a real car body."

"We are not so much reading, more like work,http://www.newing.ne.jp/cgi-bin/tkbbs1/tkbbs1.pl, we have a separate office space, but also get a monthly subsidy. Nonetheless, we have more important task is to learn, because only make qualified project in order to graduate."

The eyes of her friends: especially attentive senior sister apprentice

Small summer friend Xie Wenjun said: "She is our senior sister apprentice, very cheerful, because very busy Monday to Saturday, Sunday and she will tell us when to eat, drink together her work very seriously, and very fun to play when. When a long break, we will walk together donkey. every time she will bring cold medicine, we also feel that she did not bother to start a result there is a bad weather,http://www.loocai.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=42117, more than 10 people most of all cold, her cold medicine comes in a big help. Had her carefully, we have several estimates of the disease in the road on foot. "

Grants of more than 2,000 per month

Why "think highly of" working 10 hour money?

We ask, learn so busy, why go to work,http://albert.dip.jp/~albert/cgi-bin/petit.cgi, little summer, said:. "My work is to experience life from the rural areas, the family was poor, in addition to the university to learn, but also often do tutoring, shopping guide, a to earn a living for himself, and secondly to exercise the ability to interact with people. Shuoboliandu after reading, I had 'wages' subsidy of 2,000 yuan a month, but I can not forget I have been since spiritual power - rely on their own efforts to struggle to create a better future every day so we took advantage of the learning gap out of work experience earn something to eat with physical feeling. ".

"In fact, the recent hit" Beijing Youth "also has some influence on me and I might be in the future researcher or university teacher, life trajectories would be more stable if we do not experience with manual labor to make money, the future may not will again have a chance. "

Dirty noodle boss Yip said: "Little Summer nothing like Dr. bigger way to work, although only to a very deft 11 days, a la carte, serve later, no matter how busy are not chaotic.." Small summer daily work two hours in the store, the time is 11:30 to 13:30, daily wage is $ 20.

In addition, the small summer popularity is good,http://www.thecandyland.org/item/create_form/1584, since she went to the store,air max femme pas cher, the store's business is a lot better. "Actually, I do waiter, and I want more contact with some people, if the business is not busy, we always talk for a few." Small summer said.